Sunday, January 27, 2008

My whole family is sick!

Yikes! Everyone in this house is sick! Max had a fever yesterday and is throwing up today. Nicky is running a fever, coughing and just plain miserable unless you can somehow get Motrin into him without him spitting it right back at you. My husband has had a miserable cough for over a week now and sounds like a heavy smoker having a hack-attack. And now my healthy girl, Hannah, is upstairs coughing her head off and the Vicks rub is not doing its job!

Calgon, take me away!


Anonymous said...

Have you ever noticed that moms aren't allowed to get sick? What would happen then???? Take care of YOU, too!

Kevin Seidel said...

c'mon mom. 3 posts since Oct? where's the ranting in that?